If you have a blog suggestion, please contact us or share your knowledge with us. From climate, energy and oceans to economics, health and policy – everything is connected. Having a culture of science is vital to exploring all sorts of topics, but the primary focus is the interdisciplinary nature of understanding our world.

For example, if we aspire to protect biodiversity, we must address social issues affecting our biosphere, boosting fisheries requires economics and tackling our tremendous energy problem involves a great deal of policy. That’s what this blog is about: people, science, decision-making, and more. It’s where seemingly unrelated fields overlap, boundaries blur, and practical solutions are sought.

The following is a list of blogs and websites to explore in order to gain a better understanding of solutions to build a more sustainable existence for all species on our planet.

  • Bicycle San Antonio
  • Center for Cultural Sustainability
  • Concerned in San Antonio
  • University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA) Green Fund
  • EnergyFactCheck.org is a resource for journalists, policymakers and others engaged in the debate over clean and renewable energy. Its purpose is to educate, inform and share perspectives in real time. EnergyFactCheck.org is designed to help ensure both sides of the story are told by responding to inaccuracies and misrepresentations with the facts on an industry that is popular, productive, growing and essential to America’s economy, energy independence and national security. It is a resource of the American Council On Renewable Energy, a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to building a secure and prosperous America with clean, renewable energy.
  • Deceleration.news is an online journal that responds to our shared ecological, political, and cultural crises, writing at the intersection of climate change and social justice–journalistically, academically, and creatively. Deceleration is dedicated to analyzing the roots of human and planetary insecurity, seeking to reveal opportunities to help protect and create the commons–beyond just resistance–in pursuit of a sustainable peace. Deceleration aspires to serve as a collaborative space that seeks out solutions rather than merely chronicling pains and is inspired by intellectual and political movements around the world for degrowth, buen vivir, the right to the city, and the rights of nature/mother earth.
  • Food Policy Council of San Antonio (FPCSA) was formed by the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District, under a Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of Health and Human Services. The grant was awarded in March 2010 and a steering committee drawn from Metro Health staff and the community developed an application and selection process open to the entire community. The Food Policy Council held its first meeting in October of 2010. In May 2012, the FPCSA incorporated as a Texas nonprofit and, in August 2013, was designated a 501c3 organization by the IRS.
  • Modern Home San AntoneA blog about a San Antonio couple building what they call "a handcrafted pastry (home) in a cookie cutter town" consisting of such things as, a very simple open design concept living area with tall ceilings and clerestory windows, a real connection between the inside and outside which included a large screened in porch to catch breezes in the summer, contending with extreme heat for much of the year, keeping finishes basic and inexpensive and being efficient as possible and more.
  • Harman On Earth – Greg Harman, an independent journalist based in San Antonio, has specialized in writing about environmental health and justice since the late 1990s. His work has appeared in the Austin American-Statesman, Austin Chronicle, Dallas Morning News, Guardian UK, The Daily Climate, Yes! Magazine, Environmental News Service, Houston Chronicle, Houston Press, Texas Climate News, Texas ObserverSan Antonio Current, and been honored by the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies, Houston Press Club, Society of Professional Journalists, Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club, Public Citizen Texas, Associated Press Managing Editors, and others.
  • Sustainable Energy Coalition – The Sustainable Energy Coalition acts as a facilitator to focus the message of advocacy, technical, and industry organizations to move forward in a coordinated fashion to accelerate the development and implementation of sustainable, renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.
  • Texas Climate News – Texas Climate News is a non-profit, online magazine about climate and sustainability, founded in 2008. We publish public-interest journalism, based on traditional principles of independent-mindedness, accuracy and fairness.
  • The Solutions Project – In June of 2011, a scientist, an actor, a banker and a filmmaker were sitting around a table talking about their opposition to extreme energy extraction. Their conversation sparked an important realization – it wasn’t enough for them to be against something. They needed to be part of the solution. That day, Mark Jacobson, Mark Ruffalo, Marco Krapels and Josh Fox created The Solutions Project. Our Mission: Use the powerful combination of science + business + culture to accelerate the transition to 100% clean, renewable energy.
  • San Antonio Sustainable Living
  • Seaworld San Antonio Sustainability
  • San Antonio Clean Technology Forum
  • Valhalla is a growing tribe of storytellers out to proliferate 'freedom culture' by igniting a global passion for sustainability, self-reliance, and collaborative action — all through compelling digital media capturing on-the-ground action, and online education.
  • StudyBlue.com Over 175 million pieces of content. Something for everyone. Browse notes from tens of thousands of colleges and high schools around the world.


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