If we're going to spend money on infrastructure, what should we spend it on, and what energy policies best benefit our local communities, country and planet? Give us your opinion in the comments at the bottom of the page.
In 2016, the Obama Administration announced bold regulations to curb methane emissions. Now we have an administration that's trying to undo those regulations even subsidize coal. To keep these regulations in place, call your elected representatives now at (202) 225-3121. To learn more, watch the full story and all of Season 1 on YouTube for FREE – Years of Living Dangerously
'Chasing Methane' with Mark Bittman
Kirk Sorensen discusses "Thorium" at TEDxYYC 2011. Kirk Sorensen is founder of Flibe Energy and is an advocate for nuclear energy based on thorium and liquid-fluoride fuels. For five years he has authored the blog "Energy from Thorium" and helped grow an online community of thousands who support a renewed effort to develop thorium as an energy source. He is a 1999 graduate of Georgia Tech in aerospace engineering and is also a graduate student in nuclear engineering at the University of Tennessee.
Pump – Documentary[USA] full movie – A documentary about the history of American dependence on oil. Actors: Adhemar Altieri, Greg Anderson, Edwin Black – Directors: Joshua Tickell – Country: USA
Nature Is Speaking – Julia Roberts is Mother Nature | Conservation International (CI)
Picarro's Michael Woelk on New Emission Mapping Technology Picarro is a leading provider of solutions to measure greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations, trace gases and stable isotopes across many scientific applications, along with the energy and utilities markets. More Picarro Videos
Demo of Picarro's Gas Leak Detection technology
Amory Lovins discusses the storage necessity myth and how to choreograph high-renewables electricity systems. Lovins quickly mentions “unobtrusively flexible demand” without telling what it is.
Biomimicry's 12 surprising lessons from nature's engineers Janine Benyus
Since the dawn of humanity, a privileged few have lived in stark contrast to the hardscrabble majority. Conventional wisdom says this gap cannot be closed. But it is closing—fast.In Abundance, space entrepreneur turned innovation pioneer Peter H. Diamandis and award-winning science writer Steven Kotler document how progress in artificial intelligence, robotics, infinite computing, ubiquitous broadband networks, digital manufacturing, nanomaterials, synthetic biology, and many other exponentially growing technologies will enable us to make greater gains in the next two decades than we have in the previous two hundred years. We will soon have the ability to meet and exceed the basic needs of every man, woman, and child on the planet. See how Abundance for all is within our grasp at http://www.abundancethebook.com/ or learn more about it in this less than 2 minute video:
Billy Parish and Mark Ruffalo talk to Adam Shapiro about Mosaic on Fox Business, 12/30/13 More info: http://thesolutionsproject.org
The Story of Solutions, released in October 2013, explores how we can move our economy in a more sustainable and just direction, starting with orienting ourselves toward a new goal. In the current ‘Game of More’, we’re told to cheer a growing economy – more roads, more malls, more Stuff! – even though our health indicators are worsening, income inequality is growing and polar icecaps are melting. But what if we changed the point of the game? What if the goal of our economy wasn’t more, but better – better health, better jobs and a better chance to survive on the planet? Shouldn’t that be what winning means? More info at The Story of Stuff
Stanford Professor Mark Jacobson talks about his ambitious renewable energy initiative, 50 States – 50 Plans, showcasing the benefits of a transition to 100% clean, renewable energy. More info: http://thesolutionsproject.org
Published on Mar 20, 2013, Jeni Cross is a sociology professor at Colorado State University. She has spoken about community development and sustainability to audiences across the country, from business leaders and government officials to community activists. As a professor and consultant she has helped dozens of schools and government agencies implement and evaluate successful programs to improve community well-being. In this talk, she discusses her work around changing behaviors.
What's in store for the future of energy? VERGE SF 2013 concluded with this 27 minute freewheeling discussion among sustainability heavyweights. The New York Times reporter Andy Revkin caught up with Amory Lovins, chairman of the Rocky Mountain Institute and Joel Makower, chairman of the GreenBiz Group. Watch below and learn more.
A New Dawn in Solar Investing — 50 minute Webinar Featuring 2GreenEnergy and Esplanade Capital per Craig Shields of 2greenenergy.com
Why Can't We Have Renewable Energy? 30 minute webinar presenting the anecdotal results of a survey of over 500 respondents who identified the impediments to renewable energy per Craig Shields of 2greenenergy.com
utenergyinstitute Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin are developing cost-effective methods for electrical energy storage of electric power delivered from wind and solar sources. The Energy Institute at The University of Texas at Austin provides Texas and the Nation guidance for sustainable energy security through the pursuit of pioneering research and education.
(NOTE: This is quite a conversation starter – view it at a party and see what it brings) In December 2007, Annie Leonard and her friends at Free Range Studios put a 20-minute movie about the way we make, use, and throw away Stuff on the internet, unleashing a torrent of pent-up demand for honest conversation about the impacts of our consumer-crazed culture on people and the planet. In the years since The Story of Stuff was released, Annie’s ‘cartoon about trash’ has been viewed more than 30 million times worldwide. To learn more about Another Way and the solutions to Extraction, Production, Distribution, Consumption, Disposal, go here. The Story of Stuff will take you on a provocative tour of our consumer-driven culture — from resource extraction to iPod incineration — exposing the real costs of our use-it and lose-it approach to stuff. The movie is just the beginning of the story. Watch it, learn more and get involved here.
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